

powerful  multi-purpose wordpress
+ e-commerce theme

The Essentials to Create Any Great Website

[styledbox type=”general_shaded” bg_color=”#ffffff” icon=”icon-cogs fa-cogs” icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_position=”right” css_animation=”appear”]

Drag & Drop Page Builder

ePix comes with a standalone version of the marketing leading Visual Composer plugin. In addition to Visual Composer’s incredible standard elements, ePix adds it’s own fantastic and unique elements too.

[styledbox type=”general_shaded” bg_color=”#ffffff” icon=”icon-bar-chart fa-bar-chart-o” icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_position=”right” css_animation=”appear”]

Powerful Admin Options

Too many options can be a headache! ePix has a specific set of powerful admin options to help you create the perfect website. All options areclearly labelled and categorized by an area of the site.

[styledbox type=”general_shaded” bg_color=”#ffffff” icon=”icon-resize-small fa-compress” icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_position=”left” css_animation=”appear”]

Fully Responsive

A website needs to look fantastic on all devices these days. That’s why ePix is constantly developed to ensure that your website looks and functions great on whatever device is viewing it.

[styledbox type=”general_shaded” bg_color=”#ffffff” icon=”icon-thumbs-up-alt fa-thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_position=”left” css_animation=”appear”]

Unlimited Designs

Choose from a selection a pre-designed “Skins” or simply create your own design using the incredibly powerful Live Customizer. Customize the Header & Body background colors / image, as well as the font colors.


Left, Top, Wide or Boxed

Easily control the Header Position, Site Layout, Page Layouts & Row Layouts

Set the Header to Left or Top position and control the Logo & Menu alignment within. Whether you like wide or boxed, ePix gives you both choices. ePix goes further to allow you to control the Page layout and the set the Rows individually to boxed or wide + you can control the height of rows too.

Need a One-Page Site?

No problem, ePix does that too!

Best of all, it’s so simple! Build a page like any other page using the powerful Visual Composer, then add Anchor Names to each row that acts as a section, create the menu and you’re done, it’s as easy as that!

Parallax + Full Height Goodness

Easily control the height of ANY Row and add Parallax or Background Colors to any page or post.
[featurebox type=”custom” border_color=”#e5e1ce” font_color=”#5f554d” icon=”icon-thumbs-up-alt fa-thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#5f554d” icon_background=”#e2decc” icon_position=”center” background_color=”#ede8d6″]

Add Any Content Within a Parallax Row


Add Galleries Anywhere

[postgallery_grid id=”grid_features” data_source=”data-6″ orderby=”ASC” slidesetid=”Feature Images” content_type=”image” imageeffect=”blackwhite” imgwidth=”600″ imgheight=”400″ lightbox=”yes” categories=”” portfolio_categories=”Animals,Outdoors,People” columnpadding=”” filtering=”yes” masonry=”” zoomhover=”zoomhover”]

Pricing Tables

[pricing_table columns=”4″][plan title=”1gb Plan” color=”red-lite” target=”_blank” button_text=”Buy Now” currency=”$” price=”39″ per=”/ mo” button_link=”http://themeforest.net/user/themeva/portfolio?WT.ac=item_portfolio&WT.seg_1=item_portfolio&WT.z_author=themeva”]

  • 1GB Bandwidth
  • 2 Accounts
  • WordPress Ready
  • 512MB Memory

[/plan][plan title=”5gb Plan” color=”red” target=”_blank” currency=”$” price=”55″ per=”/ mo” button_text=”Buy Now” button_link=”http://themeforest.net/user/themeva/portfolio?WT.ac=item_portfolio&WT.seg_1=item_portfolio&WT.z_author=themeva”]

  • 5GB Bandwidth
  • 5 Accounts
  • WordPress Ready
  • 1GB Memory

[/plan][plan title=”15gb Plan” featured=”true” color=”teal-lite” target=”_blank” price=”99″ per=”/ mo” button_text=”Buy Now” currency=”$” button_link=”http://themeforest.net/user/themeva/portfolio?WT.ac=item_portfolio&WT.seg_1=item_portfolio&WT.z_author=themeva” icon=”icon-star fa-star”]

  • 15GB Bandwidth
  • 30 Accounts
  • WordPress Ready
  • 4GB Memory

[/plan][plan title=”8gb Plan” color=”red-lite” target=”_blank” currency=”$” price=”79″ per=”/ mo” button_text=”Buy Now” button_link=”http://themeforest.net/user/themeva/portfolio?WT.ac=item_portfolio&WT.seg_1=item_portfolio&WT.z_author=themeva”]

  • 8GB Bandwidth
  • 15 Accounts
  • WordPress Ready
  • 2GB Memory


Social Icons

[socialwrap align=”center”][socialicon name=”fb”][socialicon name=”linkedin”][socialicon name=”twitter”][socialicon name=”google”][socialicon name=”youtube”][socialicon name=”vimeo”][socialicon name=”instagram”][socialicon name=”pinterest”][socialicon name=”soundcloud”][socialicon name=”flickr”][/socialwrap]

Font Icons

Not just Font Awesome, add Open Iconic, Typicons, Entypo or Linecons


[icon name=”icon-eye-open fa-eye” iconsize=”fa-3x” ][icon name=”icon-camera fa-camera” iconsize=”fa-3x”][icon name=”icon-coffee fa-coffee” iconsize=”fa-3x”][icon name=”icon-beaker fa-flask” iconsize=”fa-3x”][icon name=”icon-rocket fa-rocket” iconsize=”fa-3x”][icon name=”icon-truck fa-truck” iconsize=”fa-3x”][icon name=”icon-time fa-clock-o” iconsize=”fa-3x”][icon name=”icon-thumbs-up fa-thumbs-up” iconsize=”fa-3x”][icon name=”icon-trophy fa-trophy” iconsize=”fa-3x”][icon name=”icon-globe fa-globe” iconsize=”fa-3x”][icon name=”icon-beer fa-beer” iconsize=”fa-3x”]

Combine Elements Together

Like Images and Social Icons to make “Meet the Team”.

[imageeffect image=”1790″ type=”circular frame” zoomhover=”zoomhover” width=”200″ align=”aligncenter” titleoverlay=”yes” overlay_state=”hover” target=”_self” height=”200″ alt=”Amy Smith” subtitle=”Designer” lightbox=”” lightbox_iframe=””][socialwrap align=”center”][socialicon name=”fb”][socialicon name=”twitter”][socialicon name=”linkedin”][/socialwrap]
[imageeffect image=”1792″ type=”circular frame” zoomhover=”zoomhover” width=”200″ align=”aligncenter” titleoverlay=”yes” overlay_state=”hover” target=”_self” height=”200″ alt=”James McCoy” subtitle=”Developer” lightbox=”” lightbox_iframe=””][socialwrap align=”center”][socialicon name=”fb”][socialicon name=”twitter”][socialicon name=”linkedin”][/socialwrap]
[imageeffect image=”1791″ type=”circular frame” zoomhover=”zoomhover” width=”200″ align=”aligncenter” titleoverlay=”yes” overlay_state=”hover” target=”_self” height=”200″ alt=”Nicki Wilson” subtitle=”Accounts” lightbox=”” lightbox_iframe=””][socialwrap align=”center”][socialicon name=”fb”][socialicon name=”twitter”][socialicon name=”linkedin”][/socialwrap]

Add Animated Stats

this weeks stats for themeva


Projects Completed

Pizzas Consumed

Hours Worked


First Accordion Section

Quisque porta diam nulla, at sagittis odio elementum ut. Sed sagittis aliquam tortor quis accumsan. Mauris venenatis ullamcorper dolor, nec fringilla tortor accumsan a. Suspendisse sodales non justo eu dictum. In tempor, sem in mattis tristique, lacus nisi lacinia tellus, nec fringilla felis ante in sapien. Suspendisse imperdiet eu erat vitae tincidunt. Proin eget cursus velit, a ullamcorper quam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Second Accordion Section

Sed sagittis aliquam tortor quis accumsan. Mauris venenatis ullamcorper dolor, nec fringilla tortor accumsan a. Mauris sollicitudin nisl vel mi scelerisque sodales. Suspendisse sodales non justo eu dictum. In tempor, sem in mattis tristique, lacus nisi lacinia tellus, nec fringilla felis ante in sapien.

Third Accordion Section

Mauris venenatis ullamcorper dolor, nec fringilla tortor accumsan a. Mauris sollicitudin nisl vel mi scelerisque sodales. Suspendisse sodales non justo eu dictum. In tempor, sem in mattis tristique, lacus nisi lacinia tellus, nec fringilla felis ante in sapien.

Animated Graph



[reveal title=”First Toggle Title (Open)” open=”true” color=”grey-lite”]Suspendisse a odio eget sem vulputate semper. Morbi semper egestas porttitor.[/reveal][reveal title=”Second Toggle Title” open=”false” color=”grey-lite”]Phasellus lobortis sapien elementum tempor feugiat. In quis felis mollis, fermentum nisl nec, suscipit mi. Sed nulla purus, accumsan nec lacus vel, dictum posuere augue. Donec auctor luctus tortor a ultricies.[/reveal]


Vestibulum malesuada, libero at rhoncus eleifend, odio velit tincidunt eros, nec egestas metus dui vitae orci. Nam in nisi erat. Praesent tincidunt commodo arcu, ut placerat sem scelerisque vitae. Suspendisse imperdiet eu erat vitae tincidunt. Proin eget cursus velit, a ullamcorper quam.

Curabitur condimentum, urna fermentum placerat tempus, ligula risus accumsan quam, et luctus sem justo vel urna. Praesent congue tellus vitae lobortis dignissim. Suspendisse lorem orci, elementum non tristique vitae, vulputate a purus. Imperdiet eu erat vitae tincidunt. Proin eget cursus velit, a ullamcorper quam.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec auctor sem commodo velit mattis feugiat. Integer quam lacus, faucibus vitae sem eget, luctus condimentum felis. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat.  Integer quam lacus, faucibus vitae sem eget, luctus condimentum felis.

Vertical Tabs

Nullam vitae sollicitudin eros. Cras varius vehicula velit, ac congue quam dictum sed. Praesent tincidunt commodo arcu, ut placerat sem scelerisque vitae. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat.  Integer quam lacus, faucibus vitae sem eget, luctus condimentum felis.

Nullam ultricies sem vitae mollis aliquet. Sed viverra metus elit, sit amet accumsan quam tincidunt quis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum rutrum ipsum a turpis tempus ultricies.

Donec sagittis, sem ornare feugiat ornare, elit magna dictum nisl, sed tristique lorem sem a enim. Phasellus eget iaculis justo, a lobortis lacus. Nullam consequat vestibulum auctor. In eget urna dui. Suspendisse imperdiet eu erat vitae tincidunt. Proin eget cursus velit, a ullamcorper quam.

[blockquote type=”blockquote_quotes” align=”center” width=”550″]

Quotes on quotes on quotes on quotes.


Wait, there’s more!

Yep, this theme is packed full of functionality. That’s why 1000’s of users already LOVE ePix.